Ken42 is a tech platform that enables educational instituitions to market to the right audiences, deliver educational content, & manage all essential functions with one click.
Ken42 enables communication and connection between all essential stakeholders in an educational journey. This begins at the pre-school level, and continues to adult education and beyond. This enables a robust ecosystem that gives students access to opportunities for mentorships, internships, projects and placements. It also fosters innovation at all stages with its own ideathon and unique alliances.
This ensures that the journey from education to profession is fruitful, resulting in graduates who are ready for employment.
The platform is built using proven platforms such as Salesforce & Azure, and is a modular solution that can integrate with legacy softwares as well as service an institution with no previous exposure to tech. Ensuring that every institution that enables learning can deliver on their ambitions for growth and student & employee experience.
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