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1. Data Analytics and Data Modelling
2. Power BI reports and visualizations
3. ETL Powered By Sql Server
4. Break Through Core Analytical Solutions
Service Sope :
1. Implementation of Business and System Architrcture for Enterprise Data Platform
2. Building Semantic Layer & Model Business Enterprise
3. Supporting One-Platform Policy for all Data Needs across Enterprise
4. Power BI desktop, Power BI report server, Power services, Power BI report Builder, Power BI Gateways, Power BI Embedded, and Power BI mobile
5. State-Of-The-Art Security Infrastructure with RLS, in Power BI
6. Maximize data query/expression and provide recommendations for model enhancements
7. Best practices around management of Power BI workspaces, visuals, apps, security, and auditing
8. Deployment and governance approaches for enterprise implementation of Power BI Solution
9. Implementation of various Power BI architectures, i.e., Import, Direct Query, Live Connections, and Composite Models
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